
Job Search Etiquette 101 – Respond Right Away

Job search etiquette 101.

If a recruiter or hiring manager comes knocking on your door and wants to talk with you, don’t leave them hanging! If a potential employer emails or DMs you to set up an informational interview or move you to the next round, respond as soon as you can, and no later than 24 hours. It will make them smile, like this little guy.

Job search tip - respond to recruiters quickly if they come knocking on your door

Same rule for sending a thank you – immediately is best, but if not, no longer than 24 hours. This may seem like common sense, but too often I see people new to the job search process make the mistake of waiting too long to respond.

Put yourself in the shoes of the person trying to fill a position. They reach out to you and 10 other people. 4 get back to them immediately. You don’t respond for a week. Who do you think will get their attention?

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